Its 9am on a Sunday morning and i am on day 3 of a juice fast. As anyone who has done a fast knows this is probably not the best day to write a blog about it. Ha! I've been doing juice fasts since I was in my early 20’s. Before it was a fad. Before there were juice shops where you could order preselected mixes delivered to your door. Nowadays everywhere I go it seems juice fasting is the norm and there is a go to protocol of 6 juices a day. Back in my day (not to say this still isn’t my day), if you hung out in the few health food shops that were tucked away in each town you were likely to hear about all different kinds of fasts. Juice fasting, Water fasting, Breathitarians, Master Cleanse, Ekadashi, ect. They were told through people that have traveled to other cultures or read books that were handed out mostly from authors. Most people would look at you like you were crazy if you told them you were fasting. “Why would you deny yourself food? '' they would say. Nowadays it seems the trend to try a fast, and amongst people who do they talk about how extreme they went. Dry fasting (no food or water), water fasting, and consecutive intermittent fasting are the norms now. As I truly believe fasting is a great thing to do, I find it hard to accept the latest culture around it. One issue I have is health. Fasting for me has always been about health. It is a way to cleanse the body. Not about weight loss or who is more extreme in their quest for enlightenment. Ok, enough of my rant. It’s my, day 3 (the hardest day), remember. Let's get down to Fasting. For some, fasting is a spiritual thing. Though I do not do it for religious reasons, I do find it gives profound insight if one is willing to look in that direction. Fasting is also about health, a way to cleanse the body. I personally do it for a good mix of both, spiritual and health. Health The idea is that by eliminating food your body will have more energy to heal. Your body uses aprox 80% of the energy that food provides to break down that same food and turn into nutrition. By eliminating food or the processing of it (also known as digestion) your body is able to use what energy it has in other areas. Here is where you start to consider what kind of fast to do. Your body does need energy from somewhere. It can access stored energy in the body or you can give it specific nutrition for energy. I choose to Juice Fast. Juice fasting allows your digestive system to slow down and not work as hard while also feeding your body key nutrients to utilize. Something to consider : We will go over in detail how to set yourself up for a successful fast but i want to touch on why it is so important. Over the years as a colon hydrotherapist and Health counselor I have seen many people and even myself get so excited too fast that they forget about the details and end up in a worse place at the end than when they started. Whether for weight loss or heath the details are the same. If you put your body into starvation mode, or scarcity mentality nothing good will come. The headaches won’t pass, the craving will become unbearable, your body will weaken and the weight will come right back plus more. Putting your body into a state like this will not heal what you are trying to heal. So, please take the time to plan. Be gentle and thoughtful. Prepare and allow for healing on all levels. Read this whole article and make the plan for the days after you fast too. The days after are just as important if not more important. Setting up what you need. *note: There is a full schedule with recipes included in all fasting programs via Have it all ready so you don’t get stranded without it. It is crucial to not feel like you are depriving your body. You don't want to put your body into starvation. Keep it simple and full. Meaning make a plan for each day and make that plan the same for each day. Your body likes routine. Giving it the same nutrients each day at the same time lets it know what is coming and make all the enzymes, hormones and whatnot to utilize those nutrients. You also want to fill your plan with things to drink. You never want to feel like you are depriving yourself. We rather have too much than not enough. Make a plan to have something every 2 hrs. If you need more than every hr or add in extra during certain times like lunch or dinner. Write it out on a sheet of paper. Start with the time you wake up and a new line every 2 hr until you sleep. Then write what you will drink next to each time. This is a guideline and you can be as strict or lax as you need to be with it. I recommend making notes on what items are a must and what items you don't have to do. You may feel full and dont want to drink at the time scheduled. You may need something in between or 10 mins early. That is ok. This plan is to help you know what is coming or to even just know that it is coming. This is also good if you will be doing work or other things while fasting. Don't leave the house without your next drink or what to grab from the shop while you are out. Having a plan lets you make informed adjustments when needed. Have this plan pinned on the fridge and take a picture with your phone to carry with you. You may be making all your drinks yourself or buying a premade package. Either way, still have your plan written out. I prefer to make my own juice but also will commonly do a mixture of buying and making my own. It may be more convenient for you to buy the premade packs from a juice shop. Make sure everything is pure. Pressed juice holds its nutrient value longer than other methods and always have the juice made within the same day you are drinking it. Ideas for what to drink Depending on how long you are fasting you may want different items. When I do a longer fast I will add in a cup of broth or miso. Mmmm. When doing a short fast I will sometimes only do green juice. If it's cold outside I drink more tea or broth.
*recipe in programs When designing your program remember you don't have to be strict. It's a guideline so you always have something with you and know that there is more coming. Though i would say to to choose the items that you make sure to stick to each day (*). This will help you not fall into a feeling of not having enough Other things to consider adding: Lots of Sleep Massage Colonic Acupuncture Yoga Breath work Ozone treatment Saunas It doesn't matter if you are fasting or not, all these are good for your daily life. While fasting they help the body detox. Be sure to adjust for you energy level on the day. A massage might be nice on day 3 (a struggle day for most). Yoga or breath work might be good everyday to relax into your body more. Consider yin yoga. Saunas are a favorite of mine but do be careful to not overdo it. This is a time to be gentle with your body. Not a time to fit everything in. Instead to be present with each thing that you do. Notes:
Coming off a fast
How you come off a fast is crucial. This is where the change is made. Your digestive system has been on vacation. Just like when you go on vacation the first few days back at work you might move a bit slower. You're going to want to wake your system up gradually and reintroduce food strategically. If you have ever considered an elimination diet then this is a great way to start. Please refer to an elimination protocol or contact me for more information. This is also a great time to change your old eating habits. Maybe you want to stop eating sugar or gluten. Now is your chance. Fill your new diet with healthy food that makes your body feel good. Make a plan for a minimum of 4 days after the fast when you make your fasting plan. Don’t think you will just figure it out as you go. Set yourself up for succes. Here I will go into reintroducing food in general. Think of yourself as a child. Whatever you give it now is the foundation of what you will want in the future. Simple, clean and healthy is preferred. You haven't had salt, oil, spices, and many other things for awhile now. Make simple clean food. You’ll be surprised at how much more you will taste after a cleanse. Eat slowly and savor the food. Feel how it affects your body. Try not to get too excited and over eat. It's a balance of what you need and what you enjoy. Don't deny yourself but listen to what you need. How quickly you reintroduce certain foods really depends on your own digestive system. Again, be easy on yourself. Remember the difference between hunger and cravings. Start your morning off the same as on the fast. If you were doing the apple cider and lemon water you'll find it a great way to start everyday weather you are fasting or not. I like to continue with a juice everyday too. Miso or a simple vegetable soup is a great first meal. Cooked food is easier for your digestion system to process. Remember we are waking it back up slowly. Raw food is much harder for your digestion system so as important and nutritious as it is we wait a few days. Steamed veggies are perfect for the first few days. Slowly adding salt and other spices On day 2 or 3 after a fast, try adding a simple smoothie to your morning. Fiber! Wait till at least day 3 if you are used to adding protein powders and start by ¼, then ½ and so on. Protein is key for the body but again harder for the digestion system so add it slowly. By day 3 or 4 you should be good to enjoy a fresh green salad. General rules: Simple, clean and healthy food Don't add in to many things at once Keep away from allergen food as long as you can (wheat, dairy, corn,) No sugar Minimal oil Wait a few days for raw food Stay away from processed food or food additives! Well, there is it.. Some of my thoughts on Fasting! I could talk about different fasts and what i do, think about them for days. For now i'll stop. Please contact me with any questions. I truly enjoy this stuff.
Today is Valentine's Day, the day to show others your love … Tho as the saying goes: you can’t love another unless you love yourself. Or, another can only love you as much as you love yourself.
As I sifted through the contents of old folders, I stumbled upon a letter—a silent witness to the journey I've embarked on over the past five years. A journey marked by ups and downs, despair, resilience and growth.
AuthorKari Bell is a Personal Development Coach & Plant Ceremony Guide ArchivesCategories |